Amy and I are setting out today to join her brother and sister-in-law on a great East Coast adventure! We’re testing out the theory that it can’t possibly rain every single day for two weeks, even in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI. In conjunction with this trip, musings is proud to announce
Halifax or Bust! Promotional Tour 2009
Driving! Camping! Playing cards! Fabulous giveaways*!
It being the east coast (a more laid back and less technologically dependent area of the country than hustle-bustle Ontario) and our accommodation of choice being camping, we are not expecting to have intermittent internet access at the best of times. I am hesitant to give up my daily posting habit so I am likely to type something up every day and try to post when I can but I don’t want to leave my horde of adoring fan out in the cold, so I have decided to bring in a couple of guest posters to help maintain the raging torrent of about a post per day.  That being said, please bear with us as things may be slightly sporadic.
Amy who will be posting is the same Amy to whom I have been married lo, these 6+ years. She has lived in the bustling metropolis of Beamsville for about 80% of her life and remembers when the second stop light was installed.
ekul is the very same Luke who made the paprika toast. Luke Taylor was born during a snowstorm in October. He grew up in a car while traversing back and forth across the vast emptiness that is central Canada. He will likely die of exposure shortly after saying “it’s not that much further.”
The posting schedule should continue to be daily over the next little while but please bear with us as we sort out the logistics of moving this one-man show into a group effort.
*Note: Giveaways will be neither fabulous nor extant. Do not get your hopes up or your pinfeathers in a gully fluff.