I was reminded of another border crossing tale of woe, this one much shorter and not as funny as yesterday’s. Â When I was about 12, I went to a youth rally in Detroit or Rochester Hills or some other place in Michigan. Â We went down with a friend from church driving and picked up her … Read More “Adventures in Border Crossing 2 – Cross Harder” »
Author: adam
A few years ago, Amy and I took a road trip down to Florida to visit Disneyworld and meet some of my Imaginary Friends (the term Amy coined for the people I know solely via the internet). Â We crossed the border at Buffalo at about 5:30am as we were driving a very, very long way … Read More “Adventures in Border Crossing” »
As labelled, this is under construction. Â I’m going for a sort of retro flannel graph thing. Â It’s very hard to find pictures that’ll work for this style. guaranteed personality