As I walked home from our evening worship service tonight, the side of my face nearly froze. Â It’s about -7 and feels (apparently) like -14. Â I tend to think that is a little bit on the high side. Â It feels *much* colder than that. Â One of the video backgrounds for one of the songs tonight had pictures of the lighthouse in St. Augustine, Florida which is where we spent the week between Christmas and New Year’s this year. Â Being as cold as I was, I was thinking longingly of spending time on the beach in my shorts.
Not all of these cookery items will be about current events. Â I will draw on my past experiences and share them with you as a warning. Â It may be that my life’s purpose is to serve as an example to others. Â Today’s gustatory delight goes by the moniker of Brokeroni and Cheese.
I was talking with Luke the other day. Â He has a quest to find the Perfect Apple. This past fall he was sold an apple by a Scout on the street and it was the Ultimate Apple. Â The texture, the flavour, all conditions were exactly right for the Best Apple-related Experience of his life (apart from Leopard, one assumes). Â In his own words: