Amy and I have celebrated 15th of February Day since we got married. It is a gloriously romantic day! There is virtually no wait time at restaurants, you don’t run into copious amounts of public displays of affection and, most importantly, chocolate is available at half price or sometimes lower.
Every now and again I am struck by how small a world it is. Â One of my friends went to school with (and tutored) the guitarist from the Rheostatics. Â My boss manages to have some kind of personal connection with just about every client we have. Â He’s either related to a friend of theirs, or occasionally to them, or grew up with their neighbour or something. Â I, on the other hand, connect with almost nobody.
We have a small group that gets together on a somewhat irregular basis (theoretically weekly but I don’t think we’ve ever gone more than two weeks in a row).  We’re reading the book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.  It is a remarkably different way of looking at religion.  I’m finding that it stretches my thinking and I recommend it highly.
As part of this book club, we discuss the chapter we’ve just read and usually whatever other books we’re reading, things we hear on the radio or see on TV or just ideas we’ve had. Â One of our group members (who is far, far smarter than I, though he is younger) is very interested in Philosophy, Psychology, Ethics and relatively abstract things of this nature. Â I am totally not. Â I can’t imagine sitting down to an evening of Kant. Â Freud leaves me froid. Â I’d rather Play-doh than Plato. Â I think you get where I’m going with this and I will spare you any further puns.
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