Something that I’ve known more or less since we moved into this house is that it tragically lacks ventilation. The furnace takes its combustion air from the workshop and make-up air comes in via a 3″ diameter plastic pipe that sticks out of the side of the house.  The range hood in the kitchen is primarily decorative.  It takes the air from under neath it (which may be smoky or steamy or what have you) and speedily redistributes it throughout the kitchen.  Many homes have a range hood that is vented outdoors which actually does some good.  Ours does not.  Until fairly recently, our bathroom also lacked any sort of mechanical ventilation relying only on a window that we almost never open.
Note: This is a partial reconstruction of the lost post from Friday and as such contains mixed flavours of irritation, desperation and annoyance and should be handled with caution. As noted on Wednesday, I took our dilapidated old ceiling fan and light fixture down earlier in the week to make room for new things. Part … Read More “Fresh & New” »